Apr 1, 2009

April Fools

I hate April Fool's Day!
Haylie wroke me up before
6:00 trying to wrap me to my bed
with wax paper. Nice try honey.
When I finally get back
to sleep Tyler comes in and trys to wrap
me my bed with tinfoil.Tinfiol does not quite
do the job. It is now 6:15 and
I am awake. I never get up before 6:30!
I am so glad that I hide the
plastic wrap the night before.


Eileen said...

Funny kids. Matt didn't tease you about killing the neighbors cat?!

Jenni said...

Funny...you must have had lots of experience with Saran Wrap to know to hide it last night :) You have a fun family!

Hanne and Fam said...

How funny! I can see your kids trying that. Thanks for the laugh!

Guymon Family said...

That is really funny. So, glad my kids haven't discovered the possibilities of April Fools Day! What I find funniest is that you knew to hide the plastic wrap the night before!